söndag 4 mars 2018

lördag 3 mars 2018


In the fall of 2014, I could witness one of the most scary thing I have ever seen in Sweden. A complete Nazi-paranoia came over the country. People that tried to warn others about the problems we would get with extremly high asylum immigration, would autmaticly be hung out as nazis. No matter how nice theese people actually were.

This paranoia was off course everywhere in Europe, but there is no place like Sweden. The whole country turned into a madhouse. Tv talked about nazis day and night. They found nazi flags everywhere. On tv. But only on tv. I am almost 50 years old, and I have never seen a nazi flag in Sweden. Well, I have seen one guy dressed as a nazi, in Torvalla outside Östersund city. But I don't think that one guy dressed as a nazi, will be huge threat to Sweden.

In 2014, people were screaming that the growing political party Sweden Democrats were nazis. The Sweden Democrats just wanted less immigration and more protection for the Swedish citizens. The Sweden Democrats were just telling people the truth. But people did not listen. They just screamed and yelled about nazis. If somebody had his own opinion about the immigration, the person would be suspected to be a nazi. A "brown shirt". Only one opinion was allowed. Just like in a dictatorship. And Sweden is still like this, but not as bad as in 2014.

This is nothing but mass psychosis. When many people go crazy at the same time, it feels like a huge wave of pure madness.. What is so absurd with this, is that no country on earth is softer than Sweden. So how could Swedish people be interested in the Nazi ideology? But many Swedish mad people could even hear the sound of thousands of nazis marching in the streets. The sounds were inside their own heads off course. 

Now there is alot of violence in Sweden. And I can assure you, that this violence does not come from Nazis fighting on the streets. It a new wave of violence that comes from all the ghettos we now have in Sweden.

This Swedish Nazi-Paranoia will go to the history.