söndag 25 februari 2018

Chaos in Östersund

In grew up on Frösön, 600 km North of Stockholm. I was born in 1970.

You see, when I was young, in 1986, we were never worried about violence. I was interested in cross country skiing, which is typical for North Sweden. In my family we were skiing.

Sweden was very rich in 1986, when I started to study at the gymnasium in Östersund. Few bad things happened at that time. Just some drinking and a traditional fist fight. The future looked so bright.

Now it is 2018. I live in Nälden, 30 km from Östersund now. Since 2014, I have had refugees from Somalia in my house. I have called Securitas 13 times now. And two of us that lives in the house, has called the police, because the refugees are fighting so much. The police do not come.

The old people in this area are very poor, because so much of Swedens money has been spent on refugees. Old people in Sweden have very low pensions now. In this area, refugee children has been beating up cats. You can imagine how sad the old people feel, trying to care of their beloved pets. Many cats has been beaten up, by children with wooden sticks. They like to torture helpless animals.

The rental company "Krokomsbostäder" has absolute no rules for refugees in this area. When there is a fight or a cat gets beaten up, they just hide it. When I was complaining loud a couple of years ago, the highest boss of Krokomsbostäder called the police, trying to silence ME. This is how crazy Sweden has become. They try to silence the people that fights for peace in Sweden.

It is like a terrible darkness hanging over Sweden now. In Östersund many young women are getting raped. People get robbed on Frösön. Some people are sleeping on the streets now. Swedish people. Because we don't have so much money anylonger. It is not 1986 any longer.

I am not skiing so much any more. Now I have started to train matrial arts, to learn the art of self protection. I joined the local Aikido team in Östersund.

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