tisdag 27 februari 2018

Depression in Sweden

Two days ago, I went to local political meeting in Östersund, with people that works hard to save Sweden. The Sweden Democrats.

It was a lovely meeting, but it is also very frustrating to see far the problems in Sweden has gone. The welfare system is collapsing fast, and there is so much violence in Sweden now. If Titanic is sinking, we must remember that even the Social Democrats and other politicians that has created this chaos, will be sitting on Titanic too. We will all drown.

A friend called me last night, and my friend had just talked to a guy that was now preparing for an escape from Sweden. In case of a total collaps, that guy would move out from Sweden. Many people in Sweden are now planning for an escape. But I will not escape. I will stay and fight for my country.

The Social Democrats and their leader Stefan Löven, has transformed Sweden into a huge war zone. Löven is not the only one that has started this irresponsible process. But he sure helped Titanic-Sweden to sink faster than before. One thing  is for me totally incomprehensible. How can the Social Democrats be so eager to win the next election? Don't they feel any guillt at all?

For how long will the clever people in Sweden be called racists? Or "nazis"? Imagine how depressed we feel. Other nearby countrys like Denmark can see the problems, and refuse to sink like Sweden.

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