söndag 5 januari 2020



In Sweden we have had about 250 bomb attacks in 2019. I am not sure. I stopped counting after 200. To improve the statistics they will now call the bombings "damages". Yihaa. Sometimes the bombs destroys huge houses. So it looks like houses from Syria.
And the school results in Sweden is going down, down, down. But now they are suddenly going up. Now they only test the better students. Only the students that know Swedish, (there are still a few) goes to the tests.

So I chatted about this misery with the students at Södertörns University. (It is supposed to be a Swedish University). They replied that I am just as dangerous as Goebbels. Yihaa.
After terror attacks in Sweden, the Swedish police are very worried that Nazis will burn down Mosques in Sweden. You see... eveybody that is afraid of the new violence in Sweden is a Nazi. Old ladies that are afraid of the bombings and the gangs robbing people are now Nazis.

Well... it used to be like that. But now there are so many bombs and burning cars, it is impossible even to hide the smoke. Now it is ok to see it. But not more than that.

You must not ask the question who is bombing Sweden. Because our prime minister imported this violence. He also screamed in tv in 2014: "Everybody that is against this war immigration is a NAZI." It is extreme immigration from Somalia, Afghanistan and Iraq. Etc. Mostly younger men without any documents.

So our prime minister spent a few years chasing "Nazis" and hiding violence.
When a man from Eritrea stabbed Swedish people to death at IKEA, our prime minister was silent. He is mostly silent when Swedish people die from this kind of attacks. I don't know how many people have been stabbed now. We don't count anylonger.

Our prime minister can't speek English, and he can hardly speak Swedish. It is impossible to find a more stupid guy. He is a Social Democrat. It used to be an acceptable left wing party. But now it is like reading the book "1984"' When they bomb a house (usually radical people with beards) the MINISTRY OF TRUTH says in the telescreen: "The number of bombings are actually reduced".

To stop the violence (even if the politicians don't admit there is a problem) the Swedish police offers pizza to the imported gangsters and tell them to slow down. Also police busses with coffee are used.
Now the "Nazi" voters are 25 %. But even with some new rules, it is impossible to save Sweden. So people has started to escape.
It is a shame, and it is simply absurd. When it comes to Goebbles... The Swedish media uses intense propaganda just like Goebbles did.
Swedish people are absurd. They see nazis. They hear nazis. They think a glass of white milk might be nazi propaganda.
And if you write stuff like this, you will walk alone. Off course 1000 rebels will add you on facebook.
I wonder when the civil war starts for real. Tic tac.

Nälden / Jonas Karlsson 

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